Dynata Audience Solutions Sandbox : Feasibility Service Disruption
Incident Report for Dynata Solutions
This incident has been resolved.
Posted Oct 19, 2021 - 10:20 EDT
Our teams have analyzed the ongoing feasibility service disruption affecting Dynata Audience Solutions Sandbox Environment (Samplify UAT and the UAT Demand API).

We have confirmed that the feasibility disruption is affecting the Sandbox tools themselves only (Samplify UAT and the UAT Demand API), but not the Live Environment and it is not having an impact on the delivery of sample to live projects created using the tools.

Our team is working to resolve the issue as we speak, and we will provide an update shortly.
Posted Oct 19, 2021 - 09:02 EDT
This incident affected: Audience Solutions (Samplify) (Demand API Sandbox).